
CND Shellac manicure – Why does it worth it ?

When we talk about gel manicure or pedicure at Niche Salon Bangkok, we mean CND Shellac. Simply because we believe this is the best option for gel on your nails. Here is why it worth it. 
If you ever heard about Shellac manicure and you still confuse it with a random gel color, it probably means that you never tried it before. Usually our clients who give it a try rarely return to an other brand. 
Here are a few things you need to know about Shellac manicure. Indeed not all gel are created equals, in terms of quality, staying power, respect of nails health, shine and color vibrancy.

So what is exactly a Shellac ?

CND Shellac is an innovative combination between the best properties of gel, and the best properties of polish. The greatest mix between wear protection and color lustiness. More than 100 shades available to adapt to everyone, every styles and trends.
The color gel will be cured with special lamp, LED / UV, so the drying time is quasi nonexistent. In the professional terminology, curing is the drying process in which the UV wavelengths will hit the molecules called photo initiators in the gel formula and thus activate them.)
This operation is crucial and will condition the adhesion, the longevity, and the wear of the color.

Is the curing process safe ?

Like with any other gel color application, the curing process is operated by UV or LED lights. Some of us can be concerned about UV lights effects on our skin, such as accelerating aging or any other sun known damages. If you feel apprehensive by this matters, Niche Salon recommends you to apply SPF protection sun screen on your hands, at least 20 minutes before your treatment.

What is the composition of Shellac ?

In terms of health protection, the Shellac formula has been one of the principal argument that motivated Niche Salon to opt for Shellac as gel for manicure. for the well being of our clients and our technicians who work with it everyday, we have been looking for the best ratio between quality and health protection. And the choice of Shellac appeared obvious. 
In terms of toxicity, the main ingredients you should keep an eye on are : Dibutyl Phtalate, Formaldehyde and Toluene. 
Good news, Shellac is completely free of those toxic (or even carcinogenic for some..) elements.
Last thing that can rejoice a lot of us is that Shellac is cruelty free. Check this article if you are sensitive about those issues =

What about the results ?

A proper applied Shellac manicure should last at least 14 days on perfect condition without any worries. High performance, vibrant color, powerful shine. It rarely peels or chips, in a regular lifestyle conditions of course.


5 tips to keep your Shellac manicure ravishing for a long time :

1- Keep up with your manicure routine

If you want to keep your nails healthy and thus give the best chances to your Shellac manicure to last long, the best way is to go regularly to your professional for a manicure. Every 3 weeks is a good schedule or at least once a month. Make it a routine and your nails will thank you. We notice that if you skip for a while, hangnails will tend to appear, more breakdown, and also you will be more tempted to pick the nails. Therefore the overall quality of the nails will be affected, which means that the next manicure will perhaps not be as beautiful with the time.

2- Avoid picking and biting

Of course it is common sense. But habits die hard. If you want your manicure to last, you really need to stop this. I mean Absolutely not a bite. Never. 
If your nails breaks, and you can’t go directly to see your manicurist, please do not bite, pick or peel anything. Simply use a soft nail file (240+) and smooth gently the edge, waiting for your next manicure. You can also seal the whole by adding a layer of top coat in order to protect it. 
Be aware that a single tiny bite could cause the whole fingernail to ruin apart, as the nails is compose of inter-connected multiple layers. The house of cards effects. 

3- Refrain from too much water and chemical exposure

When your nails are saturated with water, it may cause the layers of your nails to separate and the color to break apart. The reason of it is the inner composition of the nails. They are made of multiple layers of keratin and they are much more porous than we can imagine. The immersion could then cause them to have a contraction/swell reaction, then separation that could ruin your color even texture.
We also recommend to wear gloves while cleaning the dishes or while using any chemicals during household cleaning times.  Any contact with chemicals could alter the color vibrancy and shine.

4- Adapt your manicure to your lifestyle

Most of us are looking for a low maintenance and lasting beautiful results manicure. And because we want to keep our lifestyle active, we need a strong and resistant color. From our more than 15 years experience in manicure, Niche Salon highly recommends gel color, and in particular Shellac. Sure they are more expensive than a regular polish. But in terms of staying power it is like chalk and cheese.
Adapted to our busy urban lifestyle, working time, home family life, workout and recreational, Shellac manicure is definitely the best option. 

5- Your nails are not tools !

Once again it seems obvious. But in the day to day actions, we don’t even realize how much our nails are useful. And sometimes we tend to forget that they are not tools. Pulling, scratching, typing, those mechanical actions that your nails endure every day. Give them a break and try to limit them. And use real tools instead as much as possible 🙂